Why see a coach?

I treat myself to coaching because ...

  • I have to make a decision.
  • I don't know how to continue in my private or professional life.
  • I want to reach my goals.
  • I know exactly what I need to do, but I can't bring myself do do it.
  • I'm terrified of an exame or a presentation or public speeking.
  • I need to prepare an important meeting ( z.B. negotiation, conflict, job interview)
  • I want to improve my selfpresentation and selfesteem.
  • Fear, sadness, anger, confusion, shame, guilt overpower me in certain situations and I want to master my emotions.
  • I need to sort things out and structure myself.
  • I want to change.

Just call me or write an email:

Stefanie Köster

Tel.: + 49 (0)931 2076041

E-Mail: info@coaching-in-wuerzburg.de


You will be surprised what difference it makes to say things aloud to someone else - instead of facing them alone.


Coaching language is either English or German.

My coach supports me in ...

  • filling my resources and emotional batteries in order to do the things I want to do.
  • phrasing exact and powerful goals.
  • developing good strategies.
  • taking good decisions.
  • getting rid of hindering subconscious and conscious beliefs.
  • changing dysfunctional and hindering emotions into functional and empowering ones.

Coaching questionaire for your preperation ...

Coaching Questionaire in English - Köster Coaching
Coaching Questionaire in English -
In order to prepare your coaching session and in order for me to prepare for our meeting you may fill in this questionnaire and send it to me via e-mail.
Coaching Questionaire Stefanie Köster en
Microsoft Word Dokument 2.1 MB

I am looking forward to meeting you in person or online.


Stefanie Köster


Just give me a call or write an email

Tel.: + 49 (0)931 2076041

E-Mail: info@coaching-in-wuerzburg.de


Or look here for a suitable time slot for your coaching session: